Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Is it real?

What is real in this world? What is it that we are trying to achieve? Happiness, money, fame, love, relationships, emotional satisfaction - What?

What is Nirvana? If our destiny is fixed than does it really matter what we do? If what we do is all that matters, then why do we talk of destiny? What are circumstances? Why are circumstances favorable for some while almost deadly for others? Why is someone born with the silver spoon while the other has to struggle for even a piece of cloth to clean his mouth of the dust he gathers from the moving around on roads? What is success - being happy or being able to keep others around you happy or amassing wealth or helping others or doing what you like to do?



Yash said...

deep and intense kamal babu!!

Girl Who Believed In Angels said...

i am dne... just want it all to end....