Monday, May 12, 2008

Yet again

Yup. As I thought earlier, it was another similar sunday. Got up real late, post lunchtimes, and then went to Forum for a bite at McD. Wanted to eat something at Mast Kalandar, but they wouldn't serve before 7:00pm.
Nevertheless, had dinner @ Mast Kalandar. Paneer Tikka, Daal Makhnai and Naan... Good food and nice outing

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday mornings

Its been a while since I've got up on a sunday morning. I mean its like I sleep when its morning and then get up at time when for 97.63% of the country has spent their half of the sunday. Waking up before 2pm is thought of as getting up early. Breakfast and lunch are meals that have a weekend break just like the rest of us. But... "I'm loving it" --> Yeah thanks to McD, I've been able to survive the evenings on this day. Last 3 sundays it has been an evening bite at this very food joint that has made my day! Lets see if today it turns out to be any different.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Awesome weather

Since yesterday the weather has been amazing. Last night it was fun to be riding the bike while it was drizzling and now today, it rained it was again fun to move out and get a bit wet!
Food@Mast Kalandar, a bike ride with a cool breeze flowing around... and this was when I took leave from work. Beautiful day!